VU - CAS Media Loans

Open hours

Fall 2022

Media Services Operating Hours:

M-F 9:00 - 5:00

Checkout/in Hours

M-F 9:00 - 4:00






Contact us

A & S Media Services

012 Buttrick Hall



Useful links


Media Services will be closed on Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day.


Buttrick Hall 012
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

- Create an account at with your VUNetID.
- Email with your class number (EX: CMA 1500) to be given checkout permissions in our system. Please allow 24-48 hours for permissions to be granted. 
- Once you’ve been given access, you can start checking out your equipment. Anything that is grayed out is not available to your class level. NOTE: If you are taking a higher level class than a previous semester, please email us so that we can update your permissions level.

- All equipment must be reserved 3 hours prior to checkout. 
- Rentals last 3 days (date of checkout is the first day) and can be renewed once.
 - If you require special accommodations, please email us or have a professor email us on your behalf. 
- When picking up your equipment, please choose a pickup time that is convenient for you. Reservations are automatically deleted 2 hours after the pickup time and cannot be recovered. 
- Please allow yourself plenty of time to look over your equipment and familiarize yourself with it before you leave our office. Any issues (broken or missing equipment) become your responsibility at check-in if not reported at pickup. 

- Equipment is expected to be returned on time at the end of your reservation.
- Please note that we expect you to return your equipment at the scheduled time, in the same state of cleanliness and organization as when the equipment was checked out. This includes formatting (in-device) all removable media storage cards. 
- If you are unable to return your equipment at the scheduled time, you must communicate this with Media Services. Late returns without communication are subject to a temporary ban even for first infractions.

- It is mandatory that you monitor your Vanderbilt email account so as to promptly answer any communication from our office. 
- Equipment is not to be left unattended or loaned to another student. 
- The loss or damage of equipment is subject to a ban, and, in extreme cases, communication with your professor that results in a lowered grade.
- We cannot guarantee that all equipment will be fully charged at the time of pickup. Students are responsible for checking battery levels and replacing AA or AAA batteries when applicable (usually sound equipment).